Do you find yourself getting stuck on certain items? Not sure if you should keep them or let them move on? Below are thirty questions you can ask yourself when you are decluttering.
I have all of these questions in video (if you like visuals) on my Youtube Channel at or if you are an auditory learner you can listen to my podcast at
Questions to Ask When Decluttering
- Do I still love it?
- Do I still like it?
- Do I need it?
- Would I buy it again?
- Do I wear it?
- Is there a duplicate?
- How easy would it be to get another one?
- Would I get that exact item or choose something else?
- Do I use it?
- Do I cherish it?
- Do I already have a similar item?
- Would the person I am saving this for really want it?
- Am I going to really make the effort to get this item to someone?
- When was the last time I used this?
- Does this drain my energy or lift it?
- Does this make me feel overwhelmed or depressed?
- Does this make me feel good or happy?
- Will I take the time to repair or fix this?
- Is this really important to me?
- Is this outdated?
- Is it in good enough condition to use?
- Would someone with much less appreciate it more?
- Is there a charity I would like to donate this to?
- Have I been hanging onto this “just in case�
- Is this trying to fill a need inside me?
- What could I focus on if I didn’t have this clutter?
- What have I not done because clutter has been in my way?
- In what ways would my life improve if I removed this clutter?
- Does this fit my vision of a clutter free life?
- Is this item included in my home when I imagine in clutter free?
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