4 Tips For Living Room Organization

Hey Collectors! Your living room should be the place where you relax and unwind, but most days it feels like a chaotic catch-all. Disorder and chaos in your home can have a negative affect on your emotions. Take a look at your cluttered space. How does it make you feel? 

Does your mind feel cluttered?

Do you feel drained of energy?

Do you feel overwhelmed or depressed?

We have all been there. Clutter causes unnecessary stress in your life. Getting rid of the clutter helps you feel better emotionally and physically.

“But where do I start?†Good question! The best way to get started is to get started.  These 4 easy tips to will help you bring order to your living space, or any room in your home.

A person with an open mouth and a beard.

(1) Take a moment, stand in your living room, and turn off all the background noise. Visualize what your living space would look like if there was no clutter. Imagine how you want your space to function.

(2) Now look around and determine what items don’t belong. Grab those items and put them in their rightful place. Don’t worry about organizing them right now, just get them in the right location.

(3) Back to the living room. Discard anything that is broken or is trash. Are you really going to get that old DVD player fixed? Toss it. Then gather items you will donate, take them to your car and remember to actually take them to the donation center on your next trip.

(4) Tackle the remaining items by grouping like items together and organize them one at a time.

Being organized does not mean you have to get rid of everything. If your living room doubles as a playroom, you don’t have to get rid of your children’s toys. Place a container in the living room to corral all their stuff. Storage ottomans work well for this. Your living area is your living area. Make the space work for how you live.

Remember Collectors,  “Happiness is a place between too little and too much.†—Finnish Proverb

Need help getting organized? Hire one or two of our skilled professional organizers to help you get your project done! Have company coming over? Give us a call, we will have your place picked up in a jiffy!!! www.collectorcare.com 925-548-7750

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A living room with a couch and table in it


  1. Bayou Closets on August 23, 2021 at 5:55 pm

    Great tips for those who aren’t sure where to start! Using a variety of organizers can help get loose items under control, and paring down/purging items is so important, too.

  2. Dream Closets on September 15, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    This is a good, moderate approach. No need to purge everything, but there’s also no need to keep everything, especially if you don’t love it!

  3. Custom Storage Solutions on October 21, 2021 at 5:32 pm

    Great tips. Getting even one room organized will help you get organized in the rest of the home, too. Organization spreads from room to room, so just pick a place to start!

  4. DASI Innovations on December 23, 2021 at 9:18 pm

    Great ideas! People can also add storage in the living room in the entertainment center, double-duty furniture (like a coffee table that opens up to store blankets, board games, etc.) or just be relocating items to other areas of the home.

  5. Innovative Home Storage on March 10, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    Yes, if you’re feeling discouraged and depressed, it’s wise to address that first before worrying about big decluttering projects. Baby steps will help!

  6. Creative Closets on March 17, 2022 at 7:43 pm

    Nice ideas here. I think the visualizing part is so important. It can be difficult to love your space when it’s cluttered, and it’s helpful to imagine what it looks like when it’s not messy.